Friday, April 20, 2007

John McCain is the Pauly Shore of War-Comedy

So what do you do when you are a major Presidential candidate at a time when America is in a war with Iraq that hasn't gone exactly as planned, and you are asked a question about the potential for war with its biggest neighbor, Iran? We hope your answer would not be breaking out to song, replacing the Beach Boy's hit "Barbara Ann" with the words "Bomb Iran."

Senator McCain's campaign claims it was a joke, made in good fun. And that anyone who is bothered by the Senator's remarks should get over it.

We like to think we have a sense of humor. But given the unfathomably paranoid way the Iranians view the world, the animosity in the history of US-Iranian relations, and the need greater diplomatic initiatives in the region if the US ever leaves Iraq, the remarks from a serious presidential candidate are very hard to forgive, whatever the context. The mullahs in Iran will definitely make sure "Bomb Iran" is taken literally. And this will make finding agreements on the few things we should agree on, mainly Iraq being stable, even harder than before.

We are not sure what McCain was thinking, because this can't help him catch Rudy Giuliani in the polls. But we do know that with MC Rove finally found an opening act, and the RNC might have to put out a "Greatest Hits" album. We just hope that the word "hits" isn't meant literally.

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