Monday, April 23, 2007

Kimono Bet Postmortem

Dice-K didn't pitch very well, but for the entire series Joe Torre managed his pitchers about as well as Alberto Gonzales runs the Department of Justice, and now we will be getting our geisha on this week.

Yankees AA call-up Chase Wright struggled with his control for the entire game, giving up four consecutive home runs to erase an early 3-0 Yanks lead. The Yanks still had the oppurtunity to win again with a one-run lead in the seventh. But after a solid relief appearance by Andy Pettite in the sixth, Torre called on middle relief man Scott Proctor to face Sox slugger Manny Ramirez, who has hit three homeruns off Proctor in his career. Proctor gave up three consective hits, incuding a three-run homer by thirdbasemen Mike Lowell, which gave the Sox a two-run lead. With a man on third, the Yanks threatened to tie in the eigth, but an amazing catch by Sox rookie Dustin Pedroia sealed the game.

We're disappointed by the outcome of last night. Yet, since the Yankees held tough against Boston's best in a series where the Yanks were playing about 2/3 at their potential due to injuries, we are hardly feeling devastated. The Yanks can hit Curt Schilling, Josh Beckett, and Dice-K. We'll meditate to that when we don the kimono.

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